Okay dear readers, as promised I am here to give details of how to get score of your quiz... You can say that its a continuation part of last blog post Making Quiz with Google Docs...
Now when you are done with your Form creation and spreadsheet addition for responses to be recorded, next step is to calculate the score which is yet very easy to do with following simple steps...
Step 1: Login to your Google account and go to docs, where you will see your files like the following image...
Step 2: Now open the 'Test Quiz (Responses)' file to make some changes to the file...
You will see the same data is showing on your 'Sheet2'...
Now when you are done with your Form creation and spreadsheet addition for responses to be recorded, next step is to calculate the score which is yet very easy to do with following simple steps...
Step 1: Login to your Google account and go to docs, where you will see your files like the following image...
Step 2: Now open the 'Test Quiz (Responses)' file to make some changes to the file...
If you notice there is only one sheet with the name 'Form Responses'.
Step 3: Click on Add Sheet to create new sheet under the same file as shown in below image...
You will see a blank new sheet with the name 'Sheet2' which will now be used to calculate the results of the quiz for each individual entry...
Step 4: Now leave 02 columns for 'Time of Entry' and 'Name' and in 3rd column write the correct answer for your first question which in my case is '2007' and then second question's correct answer in the next column which in my case is 'COM'... Now pointing to column address 'A2' press '=' sign on your keyboard and click on the sheet 'Form Responses' and moving by keyboard arrow keys select the column where date and time is there and press enter... Move to the next cell 'B2' and press '=' and then click on 'Form Responses' sheet and select the where name is written in this sheet with keyboard arrow keys and press enter...
You will see the same data is showing on your 'Sheet2'...
If you can see the image above, the time,date and name records carried forward from the previous sheet and your correct answers are also there to compare the results...
Step 5: Now being on the same column which is shown in above image press '=' sign and then right 'if(' so it will become like '=if(' and then move up arrow key to select the top column which is '2007' and press '=' sign again, similar to below image...
Step 6: Now being in the same position, click on 'Form Responses' sheet and then select answer field of first question which is 'D2' in the sheet and then write ,1,0 to give score of 1 if correct and 0 if the answer is incorrect... Now simply copy the formula from column 'C2' to 'D2' by simply pressing 'Ctrl+C' on your keyboard and 'Ctrl+V' after moving to next column...See below image...
As you can see that both the questions answered correctly so that the score is 1 and 1...
Step 7: Before going further click on first '1' and press 'F2' function key that will appear the formula to edit which you need to make some changes to make the correct answers columns 'constraint' which means every time when you drag the formula down to see next record result, the answer column address should not change and only the entry which is compared should change... To make this happen add $ sign with 'C' and '1' which will freeze this column every time you drag it down for more results...
To make it further clear lets see how it will work, I hope after practicing and going through the procedure further you will understand how this thing works, perfectly...
Now I will try another entry will incorrect answer lets see what happens...
As you can see there is another entry...
Step 8: Now click on 'Sheet2' and select second and third row and press 'Ctrl+d' to copy the formula in next row, which will show the results like below image...
If you notice and first question, answer was incorrect that is why the score is 0...
Finally the last step is to make final Total score which is very easy to make...
Simply write Total Score in the next column and under that write '=sum(' and select the score to sum...
You are done enjoy creating interesting quiz for your facebook, students, and so on...
Thank you for your patience and support. Please feel free to ask questions and write comments...