Thursday, 7 November 2013

School Management System with SMS Notification for Parents

School Management System is designed for schools that want to enhance their daily performance in student’s record, teacher’s records, class schedule etc.

The system records all the transactions on daily and monthly basis.  Provides entire set of reports required to track the exact position of the students.  The software comes with auto backup system which relaxes you from being worried about the recovery or data loss.
School Management System covers the following modules:

  • Student Admission Record
  • Student Attendance Record
  • SMS system for Attendance Notification and other students related information to parents/guardians
  • Syllabus Design
  • Teachers Record
  • Class room and section wise structure
  • Fee Structure and monthly fee slips
  • School Grading System & Result Structure

 Following reports are generated:
  • Student Admission Form
  • Student Record Class wise
  • Student Record Section wise
  • Student Record Date wise
  • Fee Slip
  • Syllabus Detail
  • Fee Received Report Date wise
  • Fee Received Report Student wise
  • Expenses Report
  • Cash Summary Report
  • Class Room Detail Report
  • SMS detail record report

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Quiz with Google Docs - Score Working

Okay dear readers, as promised I am here to give details of how to get score of your quiz...  You can say that its a continuation part of last blog post Making Quiz with Google Docs...

Now when you are done with your Form creation and spreadsheet addition for responses to be recorded, next step is to calculate the score which is yet very easy to do with following simple steps...

Step 1: Login to your Google account and go to docs, where you will see your files like the following image...

Step 2: Now open the 'Test Quiz (Responses)' file to make some changes to the file...

If you notice there is only one sheet with the name 'Form Responses'.

Step 3: Click on Add Sheet to create new sheet under the same file as shown in below image...

You will see a blank new sheet with the name 'Sheet2' which will now be used to calculate the results of the quiz for each individual entry...

Step 4: Now leave 02 columns for 'Time of Entry' and 'Name' and in 3rd column write the correct answer for your first question which in my case is '2007' and then second question's correct answer in the next column which in my case is 'COM'... Now pointing to column address 'A2' press '=' sign on your keyboard and click on the sheet 'Form Responses' and moving by keyboard arrow keys select the column where date and time is there and press enter... Move to the next cell 'B2' and press '=' and then click on 'Form Responses' sheet and select the where name is written in this sheet with keyboard arrow keys and press enter...

You will see the same data is showing on your 'Sheet2'...

If you can see the image above, the time,date and name records carried forward from the previous sheet and your correct answers are also there to compare the results...

Step 5: Now being on the same column which is shown in above image press '=' sign and then right 'if(' so it will become like '=if(' and then move up arrow key to select the top column which is '2007' and press '=' sign again, similar to below image...

Step 6: Now being in the same position, click on 'Form Responses' sheet and then select answer field of first question which is 'D2' in the sheet and then write ,1,0 to give score of 1 if correct and 0 if the answer is  incorrect... Now simply copy the formula from column 'C2' to 'D2' by simply pressing 'Ctrl+C' on your keyboard and 'Ctrl+V' after moving to next column...See below image...

As you can see that both the questions answered correctly so that the score is 1 and 1...

Step 7: Before going further click on first '1' and press 'F2' function key that will appear the formula to edit which you need to make some changes to make the correct answers columns 'constraint' which means every time when you drag the formula down to see next record result, the answer column address should not change and only the entry which is compared should change... To make this happen add $ sign with 'C' and '1' which will freeze this column every time you drag it down for more results...

To make it further clear lets see how it will work, I hope after practicing and going through the procedure further you will understand how this thing works, perfectly...

Now I will try another entry will incorrect answer lets see what happens...

As you can see there is another entry...

Step 8: Now click on 'Sheet2' and select second and third row and press 'Ctrl+d' to copy the formula in next row, which will show the results like below image...

If you notice and first question, answer was incorrect that is why the score is 0...

Finally the last step is to make final Total score which is very easy to make...

Simply write Total Score in the next column and under that write '=sum(' and select the score to sum...

You are done enjoy creating interesting quiz for your facebook, students, and so on...

Thank you  for your patience and support.  Please feel free to ask questions and write comments...

Monday, 2 September 2013

Making Quiz with Google Docs

Many of my fellows are into training and testing programs and many times ask for help in creating online quiz to distribute into their students or co-workers and others...

I thought better I share this experience and tutorial with entire blog readers and whoever can find it on the web to make an effort making their life easier...

Okay first of all u should have Google account, you can register yourself for one with going to and then by clicking on 'Create An Account' button...

Once you are done with account creation, I suggest you simply open, while you are already singed in which you can see in upper right side corner which will show you the user details, which is signed in...

Simply follow the steps please...

Step 1: Open and click on Docs and it might ask you to sign in again or register for the service which you can with the same Google ID, you just have created...

Step 2: Click on 'CREATE' button and select Form like below image...

Step 3: Now select the theme and title of the quiz or form, as shown in below image...

Once you select the theme and title for your page, you will move to the following image/page...

Step 4: Here you need to select the question type, whether it will be text only, multiple choice etc. Just see below image and you will understand what I mean...

As you can see that 'Question Title' I have given as Name, cause I want name and email details of the person attempting the quiz, remember that you can make it compulsory or just leave it up to the user...  Question Type must be text only, as the user will enter his/her name...

Step 5: Now click on 'Add Item' button to add more items, yes the one you need for 'Email' same as, the one created for 'Name', follow the below image...

Here if you see, you already have the choice to select whatever type of item you want to add to your form next...  I suggest that you try all of them one by one to get to know what things you can actually add to your quiz form...

Step 6: Now add your question title and answer as well if it is a multiple choice question as shown in below image...

If you notice, there is a check box for 'Required question' which can be checked if the question or field is compulsory...

Step 7: Once you are done with adding questions, I have added only 02 questions cause its a tutorial... Now look at the bottom options to select from...

The option 'Show link to submit another response' is pre-selected which enables user to submit multiple entries for the same quiz even after submission...
The next one is 'Publish and show a link to the results of this form of all respondents', this option will enable the user to see previous responses which their result...
The last one is 'Allow responders to edit responses after submitting', which will off course give user choice to reconsider their answers/ entries...

Step 8: After completion of the form, click on 'Choose response destination' to select where the results will be saved for your further working, as shown in below image...

Select 'New spreadsheet' to record the responses of the form... It will create a spreadsheet as an additional document under your Google Docs account to record the response which we will use to calculate the score later on...

Step 9: Now click on 'Send Form' button to publish it on the web, so that you can simply send the link of the form and users can open it from their and attempt the quiz, see below image...

As you can see its suggesting to copy the link, or you can also email it to Admin of your institute, school, college, university, organization to spread it through email...  Copy and send the link highlighted to the users or send them email directly which will send an email including the form link and instructions...

Step 10: Finally try this link to open the form and it will show you something like below image...

Try it once by yourself... 

After submission you will see the below image like submission page...

Once you submit, you can see the results in the spreadsheet, which was created by Google Docs to show you the results, see the below image...

As you can see that the spreadsheet shows time stamp as well which was not added by us, but it shows automatically as to show which time and date the quiz was attempted by the particular user...

Other questions are shown as headings and answers as records... They will keep adding as more and more users will attempt the quiz...

Okay guys tomorrow in next post we will discuss about calculating the score by knowing the correct answers, so be patient and keep looking forward for the post tomorrow Insha-Allah...

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Sharing Internet Over Another Router

Dear readers, today I have really simple but effective solution for you to share internet over another router as I did with mine.  As my place is big and sometimes I had problem in getting signals of my router when I am away from my room, where I have my main internet connection and phone cable...

I decided to connect another wireless router which should work like network hub/switch and I can connect to it when I am at the other side of the home...

Now after doing this I will have wireless internet access all over my place and where ever I go and sit having my laptop, I will not have any problem with the internet...

I decided to install another new modem through network cable and the setting were very simple which I want to share with you people...

First I changed the ip address of my modem from Advance Setup and then going to LAN option where you will usually find it as

Now I did changed it to and then went to DHCP settings and saw the DHCP was enabled which I changed to disable it...

Furthermore, I changed the password for this device by going to Management option cause I wanted to make it secure by not letting any person to login and ruin my modem settings...

Now the question is that why DHCP should be disable???

For your understanding and future memory, when DHCP enabled on second modem, every time when I will try to connect with the second modem, the IP address will be assigned from this modem which will not allow the IP request to go to the first modem which will have internet access...

When you disable the DHCP, the PC/Laptop is connected with second modem on wireless but the IP address is assigned from the first modem, which off course is connected with the internet and let your PC/Laptop access the internet...

Now the second device you connected will only work as hub/switch device and not modem...

Hopefully, this will help you and make your life more easier...

Friday, 26 July 2013

Secure your Network by enabling 'MAC Filter' option

I don't really understand how to start this post but yes I made my network secure and wanted you people as well to do the same, that is why I want to share with you my experience...

I got this when trying to dig into my modem setup about how I can secure my internet connection to not get shared with people I don't want...

I know there is option for wireless security and password system but I used a unique system to secure my internet.  Let me show you some of my settings...

I hope you can see my wireless security settings, if you notice 'Network Authentication' is 'Open' and 'WEP Encryption' is 'disables'...

Now anybody who can see my wireless network signals might think that its an open network to connect, right?

Yes it is, there is no doubt in it, but the problem is when he will try to connect this open connection, it will not connect and the message he will always get is that 'disconnected'...

There is no problem with the network and nothing wrong with internet connection as but the thing which is working through this is that my MAC filter is enabled...

I will show you how to enable it and how it works almost 'perfectly' for me at least... ;)

Before you start, first thing that is important is that you connect your PC or Laptop with router/modem with network cable (which normally comes with your router/modem), and not with wireless connection...

Once you login to your modem by giving address for router setup and admin/admin as your user and password.

Now look for MAC filter option in your modem setup might look light below image if you are using PTCL internet services and their device/modem... 

In the above picture if you see I did enable the MAC filter.  Do the same and save the settings.

After you saved now you look for your PC/Laptop MAC address by opening your command prompt...

and writing command ipconfig/all

You will see some information running on the screen, now look for wireless adapter physical address which will look like 00:FV:AB:12:45:78...

Remember that after enabling the MAC Filter option you select 'Allow' option which will let you add the MAC addresses you want to allow to connect to your network and rest of them will not be able to connect.

Simply add the physical address of your wireless network adapter and you are done...

Now remove the cable and try to connect with wireless connection... You will notice that your connection will be open and not secure by wireless password but your MAC filter will not allow any other device to the network till the time you do not allow it by entering its MAC (physical address)...

The only way is to connect with your router/modem is if you let someone connect his/her PC/Laptop with network cable or you yourself let them connect by entering their PC/Laptop's MAC address to your Allow filter list...

I hope this might help you get your connect secure...

Remember one thing that once a person connected to your network means that person can enter into setup of your modem by using standard ip address and standard user/password admin/admin...

Better you change your router/modem admin password by finding Management Menu and then Security Access or Password change option and change it so that no one can know your settings...

Best of luck with this security trick trick...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Amazing, Outstanding, Crystal Clear and Live Looking new iOS 7

Just saw the new iOS 7 coming this fall 2013...

They started with 'The Mobile OS with whole new Prospective'...

When I heard that from Mr. D. Cook was getting excited that it going to be in new iOS 7 as I was sure that like each and every time when Apple try to deliver something new, it has some tremendous changes for the apple product users...

This time Apple really shocked me with this totally new look and feel of iOS 7 which will be available for the following:

iPhone 4
iPhone 4s and iPhone 5

iPad 2 and iPad mini

for iPod touch it will support iPod touch (5th Generation)

Furthermore I would like to talk about different features of the new iOS 7 with their videos which I managed to download from Apple site itself...

I would like to highlight some of the features here in my blog for your review and comments...

Home Screen:
When you see at the home screen you will come to know about the clarity of icons and by moving your iDevice you will be able see behind your icons the beauty of wallpapers you use on your home screen.

Control Center:
Control Center like this is introduced for the first time by Apple.  One of the most important features your phone should have which can be seen by scrolling your finger from the bottom of the screen...  The feature lets to activate Airport Mode, Wife, Rotation Lock, Volume of your device, the brightness of your phone, calculator, camera and torch etc.

Notification Center:
This feature was already introduced previously but this time and look and feel and additional features of today, all and missed added an easy to use Notification Center to the users and also it will like previous version show all of your notifications from social media to your calender schedules.

Multitasking in new iOS 7 is just amazing because of its look and feel and easy to operation i.e. whenever I want to jump to any of the running applications, its should first screen with icon of the application running.  Easily by scrolling left and right I can select and jump to the application and closing any application is more easier than ever, just swipe the application to the top and it will close.  Another amazing feature, which I liked the most is that iOS 7 will intelligently notice the timings of your usage of web based applications, so that whenever you open news, sports, weather forecast or any application which requires to be updated from web will automatically update the new information for you.  So next time when you open the application it will be ready for you which latest updates and information and you will not need to wait for browsing and downloading additional or update information from the web at that particular time.

iTunes Radio:
For the very first time Apple introduced its iTunes Radio which is a real fun for music lovers.  Here you can listen to different stations by selecting your choice of music even can create and broadcast your own Radio Station which will play the music you love and can be shared with your friends and colleagues.

Apple has really modified this feature as per the user requirements like it will arrange all of your photos by place and date and you can see your entire gallery by zooming out the photo gallery and can see and select a single photo of yours by just pointing your finger, which will show you bigger view of the specific photo you are pointing at.  You can select and share a photo or album by date and location directly from your photo application.

Now the Camera feature in iOS 7 really loaded with some cool features, where you can change the color scheme of your picture before taking it, like grey scale or black and white etc.  Also you can make video and edit it after finished taking your video.  The panorama feature is added to this new Camera Application which is really cool to take pictures of nature and number of friends insisting to take their picture in one shot.

Oh, my God... I really loved what they have done to this amazing browser.  Its really amazing flash enabled and really smooth.  The part I loved about it is that when you move your pages which already browsed and when you try to make selection between them and want to close one of them by just swiping it to the left side.  The look and feel and amazing and works really smooth.

I love this feature in iOS cause whenever I used to get bore, I get to chat with Siri and its good to play and ask for different tasks.  Siri is one of the amazing inventions from Apple and they have introduced it with male voice also and in different languages.

The look and feel of Mailbox is simple and crystal clear.  Really smooth to work with, full page view which gives you feeling of reading a paper mail which is not folded and just clearly printed which rich text and colorful images.

Weather forecast application is just cool with animations and voice of thunder storm, rain and sunny day.  It also updates the information as frequent as you use it.  It also, with help of multitasking feature notice the pattern of your use and visit to this application and updates it automatically.

Message center in iOS 7 is eye catching because of its look and transparency of text and colors moving from bottom to the message window.  Supports photos on the screen with clarity and feel of smooth operation.

Above were some of the feature discussed about iOS 7 which I really loved, hope the information shared will help you choose your smartphone and enjoy this new amazing iOS 7.

You can download the Beta version which is available for iOS Developers only, off course if you are a registered developer of iOS Applications.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Lasons Enterprises Stock Tracking System with Payroll

Stock Tracking System for LASONS ENTERPRISES (a distribution channel) is one of the best tool to track and keep record of your stock with details of purchases and sales from different vendors and to different clients.

The system records all the transactions on daily basis and monthly basis.  Provides entire set of reports required to track the exact position of the business.  The software comes with auto backup system which relaxes you from being worried about the recovery of the software of data loss.

Stock Tracking system / Inventory Control System includes the following modules:
·         Stock Complete Record
·         Vendor Details
·         Employee Payroll System
·         Purchase record
·         Sale Record
·         Cash & Credit Transactions
·         Bank withdrawal and Payment Details
·         Daily Expenses & other income record
·         Wastage record
·         Sale & Purchase return

Following reports are generated:

·         Stock Register
·         Daily Sale Report
·         Invoice Report
·         Income Report
·         Expenses Report
·         Cash Summary Report
·         Vendor Detail Report
·         Bank Withdrawal Report
·         Bank Deposit Report
·         Cash Received Report
·         Cash Payment Report
·         Item wise Report
·         Vendor wise Report
·         Cash flow Report
·         Item wise Profit & Loss
·         Ledger with Item Detail
·         Vendor Transaction

·         Full Payable Report
·         Full Receivable Report
·         Vendor Ledger
·         Profit Report
Vendor & Item wise Profit & Loss

Connecting Oracle Express 10g with Oracle Forms 6i

Hi readers...

Recently I was going through my old stuff in Oracle that I was doing before my professional life started with Databases.  I found many of the applications build with Oracle 8i and Oracle Forms 6i (Developer 2000), tried to run them the the problem I was facing was 'no oracle 8i database'...

I thought to connect the same with Oracle Express 10g Database but Forms and Reports gave error.  After some study in database material I found that Oracle Express 10g Database is not compatible with Forms 6i because of its 'Character Set'...

Now the problem was to change the Oracle Express 10g Database Character Set to older version so that forms can be connected...

When Oracle Express 10g Database is installed on SQL command prompt connect with admin database user as

sys/password as sysdba

when connected apply following commands one by one...


Finally you will be able to connect with Forms 6i and run and migrate your applications...

Thanks for reading...

Ask for further help as and when you required...

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Play this when get lazy for work... It will change ur mode...

Just wanted to share this with you friends and readers, as when getting bore playing this to cheer me and give some more energy for work...

Auto Spare Parts, Stock Tracking System

Here comes a new database design for Auto Spare Parts Business...

The software comes with following really reliable and effective features...

  • Auto Spare Parts Stock Detail
  • Car wise Spare Parts Detail
  • Spare Parts search system, the address of item
  • Part number, name and type wise search
  • Car Wise Income Report
  • Item Wise Income Report
  • Auto Quantity Maintenance after purchase or sale of Items
  • Sale Invoice and Customer Record Maintenance

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Recovery from new Virus of USB Drive

Yesterday my cousin came to me with a problem that when he opens his USB drive in my computer it shows  nothing but below image:

When he tries to open the shown shortcut it shows nothing and the data is still there...

If you notice the banner of Microsoft Security Essentials, it shows and removes the virus but the files seems to be deleted from the USB Drive...

Simply copy the USB Drive and paste it any where in your system drives...  Better if you create new folder...

Now enable the hidden files and folders from folder options as shown below...

Go to views tab as shows below...

Select Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives
and click on 'OK'
Now if you go the the folder where you copied the files, under the name of your USB Drive folder...

Open the folder and you will find the following files and folder...

The drive sign which is highlighted, if you open it... Bingo... You will find you files there...

Simply Cut and paste the files from it to your desktop or anywhere you like and format the USB Drive, quick format will also work...

And you are done with....

Paste the files back into your USB Drive and done...

I hope the the posting will be helpful to the readers...

Sunday, 14 April 2013

How Triggers work in Oracle...

Lets talk about triggers as I mentioned in my last post that I will come online to write about this feature of PL/SQL is to make you understand that how much easily you can control things in your database...

Okay now lets talk about below trigger that what really its doing...

If you remember about my previous posting and especially about Stock Tracking System... The question is that how it will automatically track and keep record of stock after each and every sale, purchase and wastage if any.  Also sale return and purchase return puts effect on stock...

Lets see below trigger and talk about it...

create or replace trigger price_history
before update of cost_price
on stock
for each row
insert into price_history
Don't be confused about this trigger as I was when saw this coding for the first time...

create or replace trigger price_history
it will create trigger and will overwrite the trigger name 'price_history', if one already there...

before update of cost_price
Here we are asking oracle to fire the trigger before changes on cost_price are saved...

on stock
The table name in which changes are being made...

for each row
The trigger will fire for each row, whether you change one record or many...

after this part the trigger body will start...

insert into price_history
It will insert record in table name price_history which is already created in the database...

part of command...

if you note I am using record type as old because I want to record the history of cost_price of items...

Will close the trigger...

Whenever the cost_price of existing item is updated or changed, the trigger will fire and it will add old details of the items with cost_price to table named price_history...

Thank you for your time and next time we will meet for something complex to calculate data...

Friday, 12 April 2013

Placing Buttons in Oracle Forms 6i

Okay apologies for the delay but here I am with method to add buttons to your forms...

Above screen with form field but without buttons on it...

Simply click on new block and create the block but create it manually because you have to enter the buttons in this block.  Better if you name this block as 'BUTTONS'...
Simply click on the name of block and change it to 'BUTTONS' as shown above...
Design button as shown above, from tools menu shown at left of form...
Rename the button as per your requirement...
Okay now if simply selecting the button and pressing 'Ctrl+D' will duplicate the buttons...
Duplicate as many as you require...
After renaming them place them where ever you want on your form...
Right click on button and click on PL/SQL Editor which will give you below screen to enter the codes...

Now please note the coding for different buttons given below...

for INSERT Button:


Let me explain to you the Insert Button coding above.
This is a body of the trigger which will be fired when you will click on the Insert button.  What button will execute is that it will go to the block named 'Vendor' and will clear the block for, if you have inserted anything by mistake or intentionally in the form fields.  Then it will execute the select statement of Oracle Database which will store highest number of Vendor Id into a (which is our variable to store number temporary so that we can perform additional calculations on that number) and then at next level it will put higher number + 1 into vid field automatically.  Every time when you save and make an addition to the record it will increase.  After inserting max number into vid field it will jump to vendor name.

for DELETE button:


for SAVE Button:


for EXIT Button:


for Query Button:


for Clear Button:


I hope that you will do practice this method and will make yourself more and more efficient with this.

Please do contact me if you have any problems, and yes the next thing we will talk about is trigger which plays a great and important role in Oracle Database to automatically calculate things and make changes to data when you Insert, Delete or Update the records.

See you soon again for further training...